I’m an adventurous, constantly moving, challenge seeking, graphic designer. I pride myself as always being keen to learn and try new things and constantly look for new experiences and opportunities to expand my understanding of the world.

This constant desire to try new things has led me to surround myself with a diverse range of activities, interests, clubs, and people. I’m an optimistic person who loves to do anything and everything.

I see design as a means of life that fits me perfectly, always learning, developing, and growing to try and be better.

VSRG Report

With the client Vehicle Safety Research Group, I had to create a visually pleasing and highly legible report which organises large amounts of data into simple tables. This was used for the 2024 report.

VSRG Branding

For the same client, Vehicle Safety Research Group, I had to create new branding to use for one of their subsidiary companies.

Album Cover

Given complete freedom to work on a project of our choice. I used the experience to explore one of my favourite albums at the time, JPEGMafia.

My goal was to redesign the album cover and create a new set of collectibles for the album. I aimed to play on his current style and create pieces of work that match his aesthetic but follow a different approach.


Unilever required a ‘fresh brand’ and dessert product range which directly competes with brands similar to Sarah Lea and Peters. They aim to produce a middle-class luxury line which classes itself as an ‘upper tier consumer brand’.

Crémé was created to provide a higher quality range of goods while still maintaining affordablity and a supermarket-based scope. This task required us to do food photography, creating and photographing fake ice-cream.

The Myth of Sisyphus

ISTD is a final major project for the honours course. Lasting a year, and
using an external grading criteria, this project is highly regarded and
used by many universities across the globe.

I pursued this project using the brief ‘Line’, which explores typographic
design and the concept of a line. I approached this brief using my
interest in philosophy, specifically in ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’.

The 'line' represents the life of Sisyphus, constantly pushing a boulder up the mountain, for it to roll back down.