Katrina is a 2020 industrial design graduate. As part of her capstone project, Katrina designed a junior worm farm. Driven by a keen interest to decrease the amount of stuff we consume, Katrina researched the root of our decision making. It is often said that children are the future, showing children how their organic waste can become nutrient-rich plant food, is a small example of how one person can reduce their carbon footprint, by merely doing small daily tasks. The worm farm comes with a soil meter which connects wirelessly to the Miljo app. The meter allows children to track the moisture levels and temperature of the compost to ensure they are creating the best possible environment for the worms.

Childhood impressions foster value individuals hold for the world around them. The value young consumers learn growing up, contribute, in one way or another, to the global issue of climate change. Miljo is a simple worm farm for children, demonstrating the cycle of organic waste and encouraging value for the world around them.