I’m currently in my final year of studies at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, + during my Honours am focusing on Connection within Multi-Residential Environments. During my studies there have been a number of subjects that have helped to define and develop my design ideals; in particular the Philosophy of Interior Architecture component and a Design Studio specifically suited to Sustainability. Although I try to maintain an environmentally conscious household (we even have a compost!), learning in detail about the elements of designing a sustainable building was a powerful and inspirational experience. Along with a passion for sustainability, I enjoy designing colourful and textured spaces, with a focus on materiality.
My favourite moments of the year occurred during my internship abroad, which took place in Berlin, Germany. I spent January – March 2020 working at multi-disciplinary design office Site Specific Ideas. The work engaged me with the city I was in, and gave me the opportunity to use photography in my day-to-day work. Although the rest of this year wasn’t everything I was anticipating it to be, it’s been an opportunity to reflect, readjust and use my final projects to focus on design for a more sustainable future.