Lucy is a young designer and artist, who is inspired by fun and intriguing products that leave you wanting more. She specifically likes to make products that evoke a strong sense of desire from the targeted consumers through trending aesthetics, clean finishes and simple, yet detailed forms. Her background in abstract painting has encouraged her to think outside the box and challenge traditional approaches to product design.

Her main project ‘Moondial’ which seeks to redesign the traditional alarm clock to aid people who chronically suffer from fragmented sleep. The main aim was to reduce stress and arousal during periods of wakefulness, by minimizing the opportunity to do ‘sleep maths.’ (Sleep maths is the counting of minutes or hours left to sleep). This is achieved by inferring an approximate indication of the time relative to the intended waking hour. Additionally, by avoiding light and information to infer time, it means the brain’s central focus isn’t engaged, which makes checking the time a more peripheral action.