Nildene has majored in User Experience Interaction Design, and minored in Communication Design, and graduates this summer from Swinburne. She is a UX and graphic designer who finds that she excels in conceptualising and ideating design solutions, research and due diligence, and adapting to new challenges. She has spent the last four years building her skills in select Adobe software, including InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop, as well as developing her skills in problem-solving, adaptability and communication in both a team-setting as an individual.

Some of the most prominent projects of her Swinburne career include her collaborative Capstone Project,—a scavenger hunt style app prototype for placemaking—and her industry-based projects—including book cover design, social media content creation and a full branding design.

Her history of work is primarily customer-based in alternative fields to design, but she believes that that experience allows for her to better understanding about people which aids in the dynamics of her projects. 

When not working on design projects, she can be found reading books to relax.

Nildene hopes to take her design skills into practice next year and is looking into the possibility of continuing her studies with a Masters Degree in the future.